- Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Accounting for the State and local organizations
- Administrative law
- Codes and Legislation
- Criminal law and criminal procedure
- Criminology
- Environmental law
- Essays
- Ethics and ceremonial rituals
- Foreign Languages
- Forensics
- Forensics
- History and Biography of the Police Forces
- Immigration, Foreigners
- International and European Union Law. International Organisation
- Judicial Police, Administrative and Local Law
- Labour law
- Maritime Law
- Military law
- Operative techniques for police work
- Photography and Commemorations
- Police Organisation and Regulations
- Prison Law
- Psychology, Sociology, Pedagogy
- Statistics
- Stress in police work
- Tax, bankruptcy and commercial Law. Science of Finances
- Techniques for investigation and detective work
- Transport and Road Traffic Law
Accounting and Bookkeeping
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