Product Description
This volume collects documents, reports, statements regarding a special mission of the police against the camorra in the years 1926-1927. It is highly interesting, and tends to inform the public and stimulate the new generation of the weapon for the remainder of their career path. The author highlights the work of the police in a difficult situation with concrete results to combat vicious camorra of the era. It highlights the gallant conduct of Police operations, resulting often in conflicts in focus, as much as to deserve the praise of the then head of Government, local authorities and the whole population, praised widely reported in the press in a number of articles, even in the last world war. Is a text to be proposed to scholars and readers interested in the historical phases of the Carabinieri in the fight against crime. Is an invitation to read both for young people looking for truth in a period away, both insiders that can reap significant reflections on various aspects of the phenomenon of crime.