Product Description
The manual is aimed at all those who, in various capacities are involved in the field, providing them with incentives for further investigation and new interpretations of Geopolitics. Characterised by a non-hermetic language and for those with some background, the text offers an original organizational and interpretive reading of geopolitical thinking, as it has evolved over time from ancient civilizations to the present day. Its structure – in three broad categories: the geopolitics “of the historian”, “of the prince” and “of relationships” – is functional to the proposal of a common thread that ideally joins all the studies, combining them not so much for the method or the field of investigation, but for the end, the ultimate purpose that they proposed, and the role they exercised, in terms of relevance for international relations at the time of their presentation. In the final part of the book, the author wonders about possible options for the development of “geopolitics for Italy”.